Key Publications

Bianchini M, Möller-Ramon Z, Weber C, Megens RTA, Duchene J. Short-term western diet causes rapid and lasting alterations of bone marrow physiology. Thromb Haemost 2023

Rot A, Gutjahr J.C, Biswas A, Aslani M, Hub E, Thiriot A, von Andrian U.H., Megens R.T.A, Weber C, Duchene J. Murine bone marrow macrophages and human monocytes do not express atypical chemokine receptor 1. Cell Stem Cell 2022

Barkaway A, Rolas L, Joulia R, Bodkin J, Lenn T, Owen-Woods C, Reglero-Real N, Stein M, Vázquez-Martínez L, Girbl T, Poston RN, Golding M, Saleeb RS, Thiriot A, von Andrian UH, Duchene J, Voisin MB, Bishop CL, Voehringer D, Roers A, Rot A, Lämmermann T, Nourshargh S. Age-related changes in the local milieu of inflamed tissues cause aberrant neutrophil trafficking and subsequent remote organ damage. Immunity. 2021

Gutjahr JC, Crawford KS, Jensen DR, Naik P, Peterson FC, Samson GPB, Legler DF, Duchene J, Veldkamp CT, Rot A, Volkman B. Dimeric form of CXCL12 binds to atypical chemokine receptor 1. Sci. Signal. 2021

Eckardt V, Miller MC, Blanchet X, Duan R, Leberzammer J, Duchene J, Soehnlein O, Megens RTA, Ludwig AK, Dregni A, Faussner A, Wichapong K, Ippel H, Dijkgraaf I, Kaltner H, Döring Y, Bidzhekov K, Hackeng TM, Weber C, Gabius HJ, von Hundelshausen P, Mayo KH. Chemokines and galectins form heterodimers to modulate inflammation. EMBO reports. 2020

Döring Y, Jansen Y, Cimen I, Aslani M, Gencer S, Peters LJF, Duchene J, Weber C, van der Vorst EPC. CXCL12 B-Cell–Specific CXCR4 Protects Against Atherosclerosis Development and Increases Plasma IgM Levels Circ Res. 2020

Bianchini M*, Duchene J*, †, Santovito D, Schloss MJ, Evrard M, Winkels H, Aslani M, Mohanta SK, Horckmans M, Blanchet X, Lacy M, von Hundelshausen P, Atzler D, Habenicht A, Gerdes N, Pelisek J, Ng LG, Steffens S, Weber C, Megens RTA. PD-L1 expression on nonclassical monocytes reveals their origin and immunoregulatory function. Sci Immunol. 2019

Duchene J, Novitzky-Basso I, Thiriot A, Casanova-Acebes M, Bianchini M, Etheridge SL, Hub E, Nitz K, Artinger K, Eller K, Caamaño J, Rülicke T, Moss P, Megens RTA, von Andrian UH, Hidalgo A, Weber C, Rot A. Atypical chemokine receptor 1 on nucleated erythroid cells regulates hematopoiesis. Nat Immunol. 2017

Rousselle A, Qadri F, Leukel L, Yilmaz R, Fontaine JF, Sihn G, Bader M, Ahluwalia A, Duchene J. CXCL5 limits macrophage foam cell formation in atherosclerosis. J Clin Invest. 2013



Prof. Dr. med. Christian Weber

Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention (IPEK)


Pettenkoferstraße 8a & 9

80336 München


Tel.: 089-4400-54351

Fax: 089-4400-54352
