Curriculum Vitae

Prof. PhD Benedikt Kaufer

Current position

W2 Lichtenberg Professor

University training and degree


PhD, Biomedical Science, Cornell University


Bachelor of Science, Molecular Biotechnology, Technical University Munich


Advanced academic qualifications


PhD in Biomedical Science, Cornell University


Postgraduate professional career

Since 2017

Lichtenberg Professor, Freie Universität Berlin


Junior Professor, Molecular Tumor Virology, Freie Universität Berlin,


Group Leader, Viral Integration and Tumorigenesis, Freie Universität Berlin



Additional Information


Editorial board: Frontiers in Microbiology, Viruses


Loeffler-Frosch-Award of the German Society for Virology (GfV) 2018  
Karl-Fritzsche-Award of the German Veterinarian Association (DVG) 2018
Koichi Yamanishi Young Investigator Award (HHV-6 Foundation) 2017  
Lichtenberg Professorship (Volkswagen-Foundation) 2016
ERC Starting Award (European Research Council) 2016
Robert Koch Postdoctoral Award by the Robert Koch Society 2014
Young Investigator Award of the German Veterinarian Association (DVG) 2014
Project Award of the German Research Foundation (DFG) 2012

Reviewer for

Advances in Virus Research, Applied Microbiology, Archives of Virology, Avian Diseases, Cell, Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, Frontiers in Microbiology, Gene, Journal of Virology, Journal of Virological Methods, Journal of Proteome Research, Molecular Medicine, PLoS ONE, PLoS Pathogens, Scientific Reports, Vaccines, Veterinary Microbiology, Virology Journal, Virus Evolution, Virus Genes, Virus Research, Viruses