نظرًا للتطور الحالي لوباء Covid-19 ، فانه يمكن تحديد
مواعيد العلاجات الفعاله للمرضى الدوليين مرة أخرى
اعتبارًا من منتصف شهر مارس 2022.
ينطبق هذا ويكون خاضعا للتغييرات (قصيرة المدى) في
الوضع الجائحي الحالي في ألمانيا.
I agree with the data protection statement and disclaimer
Your personal data will be handled confidentially und only be used for processing your request. The disclosure of your data is voluntary. Protection of your personal data is of high importance to us. Therefore, we handle your personal data responsibly and in compliance with the Federal German Data Protection Act. If indicated, your request will be forwarded within the Klinikum der Universität München (KUM) to another responsible person. However, your data will not be shared with third parties outside the KUM. Your data will be stored for 3 months
If you send us an E-mail (e. g. by completing the encrypted contact form), we assume that you authorize us to reply by E-mail. We will send our answer to your request via E-Mail to the E-Mail address specified by you. This E-mail will not be encrypted. Security gaps can occur in E-Mail communication, if the connection is not encrypted. An E-Mail sent to a recipient can be intercepted and read by experienced Internet users. This is a relevant risk for the protection of your data. If you do not wish to receive an E-mail, we kindly ask you to consider alternative ways of communication such as regular mail.
Medical reports and other personal information will only be sent by postal service and only if you provide your postal address.
You must be aware that your personal data sent via the Internet are neither confidential nor secure and can be viewed and modified by third parties.
Please be so kind as to use the encrypted contact form on the website of the international patient office for secure data transmission. If you send us an E-mail (e. g. by completing the encrypted contact form), we assume that you authorize us to reply by E-mail. Our E-mails will not be encrypted. This is a relevant risk for the protection of your data. If you do not wish to receive an E-mail, we kindly ask you to consider alternative ways of communication such as regular mail.
Fields marked with an asterix * are obligatory.