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IPEK researchers awarded large-scale collaborative funding for a second period

It is with great pleasure that the 35 principal investigators based in different research campuses, from which 14 in the IPEK, were awarded a funding extension from the DFG for their Collaborative Research Centre 1123 “Atherosclerosis: Mechanisms and Networks of Novel Therapeutic Targets”.

This large-scale collaborative effort, coordinated by IPEK director Prof. Christian Weber, encompasses a total of 20 multidisciplinary basic and clinical research projects which have been awarded a further €12 Million for a period of 4 years. Aside from the 17 very successful projects renewed, the CRC1123 is pleased to welcome new scientific projects led by Prof. Sabine Steffens (IPEK) together with Prof. Stefan Herzig (Helmholtz Centre) on the role of cannabinoid receptors as well as by Dr. Johan Duchêne (IPEK) together with Prof. Weber on the implication of myeloid pathogenesis in atherosclerosis. In addition, Prof. Steffens together with Dr. Joana Viola will coordinate a new Integrated Research Training Group which will aim to recruit and train exceptional young scientists in the field of atherosclerosis.

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The scientists will continue to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and molecular networks in atherogenesis, atheroprogression as well as atherothrombosis  and to improve the identification and validation of relevant therapeutic target candidates. To this end, state-of-the-art technology will be implemented, namely genome editing and conditional mouse models for gene deletion or lineage tracking, proteomics and bioinformatics, and novel methods extending the limits of visualization, such as multiphoton, nanoscopic, optoacoustic and Mass spectometry Imaging. The scientists have set themselves the ambitious goal to redefine the standards of target discovery and to close methodological gaps to monitor cell trafficking, behaviour, subcellular or molecular events in plaques and adventitia. The researchers ultimately hope to find valuable targets and therapeutic options which will not alter healthy immune responses and metabolic homeostasis.


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