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Christian Weber elected to the Leopoldina

We are delighted that IPEK Director Christian Weber has now been elected to be a member of the Academia Leopoldina.

Professor Weber was named Director of the Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention and appointed to the Chair of Preventive Vascular Medicine (August Lenz Foundation) at the LMU Medical Centre in 2010.


His research focuses on elucidating the molecular mechanisms that contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis (popularly known as hardening of the arteries) is characterized by the formation of fat-rich deposits on the inner walls of major arteries, which induce chronic inflammation and can obstruct blood flow in these vital vessels. He has already received two of the sought-after Advanced Grants awarded by the European Research Council (ERC). In addition, Christian Weber is Coordinator of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 1123 on Atherosclerosis – Mechanisms and Networks of Novel Therapeutic Target Structures, which is now in its second funding period. 

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The Academia Leopoldina, which is based in Halle (Saale), counts now more than 1500 members. As Germany’s National Academy of Sciences, it regularly issues commentaries on the scientific aspects of matters of political and social concern. The Academy represents German science in international organizations, and works to enhance human welfare and ensure a worthwhile future for all.


Election to membership of the Leopoldina also entails duties. Members are expected to give public lectures, to contribute to the identification and election of new members and to participate in the initiation and organization of scientific conferences.



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