Startseite » Members » Principal Investigator » Project B3 » BöttcherAnika » Publications (selected)

Publications (selected)









1.     Bakhti, M., Böttcher, A., and Lickert, H. (2019). Modelling the endocrine pancreas in health and disease. Nat Rev Endocrinol 15, 155-171.

2.     Böttcher, A., Lickert, H., and Tschöp, M. (2017). Engineering Skin with Skinny Genes. Cell Stem Cell 21, 153-155.

3.     Gegg, M., Böttcher, A., Burtscher, I., Hasenoeder, S., Van Campenhout, C., Aichler, M., Walch, A., Grant, S.G., and Lickert, H. (2014). Flattop regulates basal body docking and positioning in mono- and multiciliated cells. Elife 3.

4.     Lange, A., Gegg, M., Burtscher, I., Bengel, D., Kremmer, E., and Lickert, H. (2012). Fltp(T2AiCre): a new knock-in mouse line for conditional gene targeting in distinct mono- and multiciliated tissues. Differentiation 83, S105-113.

5.     Lange, A., Wickström, S.A., Jakobson, M., Zent, R., Sainio, K., and Fässler, R. (2009). Integrin-linked kinase is an adaptor with essential functions during mouse development. Nature 461, 1002-1006.

6.     Moik, D., Böttcher, A., Makhina, T., Grashoff, C., Bulus, N., Zent, R., and Fässler, R. (2013). Mutations in the paxillin-binding site of integrin-linked kinase (ILK) destabilize the pseudokinase domain and cause embryonic lethality in mice. J Biol Chem 288, 18863-18871.

7.     Tritschler, S., Theis, F.J., Lickert, H., and Böttcher, A. (2017). Systematic single-cell analysis provides new insights into heterogeneity and plasticity of the pancreas. Mol Metab 6, 974-990.

8.     Wang, X., Sterr, M., Ansarullah, Burtscher, I., Böttcher, A., Beckenbauer, J., Siehler, J., Meitinger, T., Haring, H.U., Staiger, H., Cernilogar, F.M., Schotta, G., Irmler, M., Beckers, J., Wright, C.V.E., Bakhti, M., and Lickert, H. (2019). Point mutations in the PDX1 transactivation domain impair human beta-cell development and function. Mol Metab. 2019 Mar 20. pii: S2212-8778(19)30134-6. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2019.03.006.

9.     Wickström, S.A., Lange, A., Hess, M.W., Polleux, J., Spatz, J.P., Kruger, M., Pfaller, K., Lambacher, A., Bloch, W., Mann, M. Huber, L.A., and Fässler, R. (2010a). Integrin-linked kinase controls microtubule dynamics required for plasma membrane targeting of caveolae. Dev Cell 19, 574-588.

10.  Wickström, S.A., Lange, A., Montanez, E., and Fässler, R. (2010b). The ILK/PINCH/parvin complex: the kinase is dead, long live the pseudokinase! EMBO J 29, 281-291.
