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Cell Biology PAPA

Primary aldosteronism is characterized by the excessive secretion of aldosterone and is predominantly caused by either of two subtypes: a unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) or bilateral adrenal hyperplasia (BAH). Subtype differentiation is compulsory for therapeutic decision-making: surgical removal of APAs or pharmacological treatment of BAH patients. Despite the significant advances made in understanding the pathophysiology of APA, the pathogenesis of BAH remains obscure because molecular studies are hampered by the unavailability of the tissue. Based on a large collection of BAH samples collected within the German Conn’s registry, it is the hypothesis of this project that BAH may develop into APA. The project will delineate the molecular histopathological differences between normal adrenals, BAH, APA and the APA surrounding cortex and will demonstrate the functional role of any identified molecular determinants in vitro. It will also identify specific steroid signatures by steroid profiling in peripheral venous plasma correlated with BAH and APA histopathology and molecular pathology. The outcome of this project will lead towards a better understanding of the pathogenesis of BAH.

Interview with Dr. Tracy Ann Williams on the use of cell biology techniques in ERC PAPA

Link to interview Dr. Tracy Ann Williams

Picture gallery

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New team member

We welcome Ms. Isabella-Sabrina Kinker in our team. As Technical Assistant she will support the cell biology PAPA group. [mehr...]